All cottages are equipped with the following equipment:
- Small spoons
- Small jaws
- Large spoons
- Large forks
- Knives
- Knife for vegetables
- Knife for bread
- Knife for meat
- Ladle
- Cooker
- Whisk
- Pancake / egg spatula
- Strainer
- Cutting board
- Opener
- Pot L
- Pot M
- Pot S
- Pan
- Tea / coffee cup
- Glass M
- Glass L
- Shallow plates L
- Shallow S / M plates
- Cups (soup, flakes)
- Coffe pot
- Salad bowl
- Covers
- Peeler
- Can opener
- Cheese cutter
- Broom
- Dump
- Large dishwashing bucket
- Toilet brush
- Barbecue net
- Ashtray
- Water heater
- Coffee machine
- Sponge, cleaning liquid
- Bed linen