Bonding with Family members, new adventures and common challenges are the reasons that modern Familly leaves the comfort of their Home and all the beneffits of modern Civilization at least once a Year and goes Camping.
In the modern World that we are living in Time has become the goodness that is quite chalenging for the Family. To reconcile business and Family life is not as easy as it was just a few decades ago.
Lying in the Forest, staying in a Tent, sleeping in Sleeping Bags, washing in Rivers, Lakes, and eating Forest Fruits are just one of the typical activities of classic Camping. Why do we say classic? Because like everything in Society, Camping is also being modernized at an accelerated pace. But more about that subjec maybe some other time...
Kamping Menina
Active socializing with the family through shared experiences is a key element of family connection, which the modern family compromises with on a daily basis through a separate experience of everyday life. Children experience their reality at school, parents at work. But that's not all there is to it. Namely, camping has been proven to raise an individual's self-confidence, promote conflict resolution skills, deepen thinking, strengthen attitudes towards nature, movement and a healthier lifestyle.
If you have not yet experienced family camping and you are not a big expert on the subject, then let us introduce you to the most basic equipment that you will need when you decide to try staying in nature.
The Tent When it comes to classic camping, the most basic and also iconic equipment is definitely the Tent. Over time, this piece of equipment has been upgraded and considerably modernized. Nowadays, you can choose from a variety of pieces that are tailored to both the weather and your personal preferences, by which we mean comfort, appearance and functionality.
Dogs and pets are welcome in Camping Menina
The Sleeping Bag The sleeping bag is a "must-have". There is simply no way that sleeping bag could be missed on a classic camping. Over the years old and heavier materials have been replaced by new synthetic materials that are lighter, more functional, adapted to extremely low temperatures and more comfortable.
The Camp Stove Before the Camp Stove appeared on the radar of camping equipment, the fire was sort of a central event on the campsite, as it was necessary for both water heating and food preparation. The Camp Stove was first developed by Coleman Company in 1942 for the use of U.S. Army on the battlefield. From 1950 onwards, the mentioned company continue to develop the Stove to the present most well-known and most widely used forms, which more or less differ only in detail between different manufacturers.
The Camp LanternDefying dark nights is quite simple today, as there is a wide selection of camping lamps on the market with different configurations and techniques that meet your needs and expectations. Rechargeable lamps are the most commonly used, as well as current lanterns with LED diodes and insect repellent nets, as well as solar lamps, all of which provide greater energy efficiency.
The Air Mattress Sleeping on hard forest floors is no longer necessary, as the inflatable airbags have restored camping to the lost comfort of sleeping. They are made of light and comfortable materials and adapted to your size and thickness requirements. The Cooler Chest Modern Coolers made of plastic materials are lightweight and have exceptional cooling capacity. They are insulated with the best insulating materials and techniques, allow perfect sealing, they have water drain plugs inserted which are rust-resistant and impermeable.
So there. If you have felt interest, encouragement while reading this, or we have just reminded you that summer and thus camping are fast approaching, is good enough for us. Whether you are an enthusiast, an "old sport" or you are going camping for the first time this year, you will always be warmly welcomed at Camping Menina and we will do our best to make your experience unique!
Camping Menina