23. 1. 2025
Camping is a wonderful way to connect with nature, escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and rediscover inner peace. However, with the growing popularity of camping, it is important to consider the impact we have on the environment and strive to preserve it for future generations. Here are some tips on how to camp responsibly and protect nature.

Follow ‘Leave No Trace’ Principles

The principles of "Leave No Trace" are basic guidelines that ensure we leave no negative impact behind:

• Plan ahead: Before heading out, research the rules and regulations of the area you’re visiting, and consider ways to minimize your environmental impact.
• Camp in designated areas: Always camp in established spots and use maintained trails while walking through the campsite.
• Waste management: Take everything you bring with you — trash, food scraps, and other waste — or dispose of it in designated bins if available at the campsite.
• Do not alter nature: Avoid taking plants, rocks, or other natural items. Respect nature, wildlife, and the campsite surroundings.
• Fires: If a fire is not essential, use a gas stove. If you do make a fire, keep it within existing fire pits and ensure it is completely extinguished before leaving. We have designated fire containers you can borrow. Just ask at the check-in/reception
• Wildlife and Domestic Animals: Enjoy watching animals, but never feed them or get too close.


Use Eco-Friendly Gear

Small changes in the gear you use can make a big difference. Here are a few ideas:

• Choose biodegradable soap and toiletries to avoid polluting the water.
• Opt for reusable containers, utensils, and bottles instead of single-use plastics.
• Bring trash bags and separate waste for recycling whenever possible. Use biodegradable bags to further reduce your environmental footprint.


Practice Proper Waste Management

Water is one of the most important natural resources, so use it thoughtfully:

• Do not pollute streams or lakes with soap, food, or chemicals.
• Ensure you collect water from natural sources without disrupting the ecosystem.
• Dishwashing: Campsites often have designated sinks for washing dishes — use these marked areas to clean up.
• As the camp grows, so do the needs of our guests. In line with this, we have newly arranged a modern laundry facility with washing and drying machines. We have obtained the GREEN KEY certification for our campsite, and we operate in accordance with sustainable practices. We kindly ask our guests to do their laundry when necessary and to use biodegradable laundry detergents.

Prevent Air Pollution

• Carpool to your camping destination with others to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
• Avoid unnecessary use of fuel-powered devices or generators to minimize air pollution.
• Always use public transport if that is possible. You can read about Slovenian public transport here .

Educate Yourself and Others

Learn about the local flora and fauna, especially endangered species, and share this knowledge with others. Even small actions, such as encouraging friends and family to act responsibly, can make a big difference.

Camping is an unforgettable experience that allows us to reconnect with nature. With a little effort and responsible behavior, we can ensure that nature remains clean, untouched, and beautiful for future visitors. Not only in camping places but everywhere your foot steps. Camp Menina has a Green Key certificate, which presents a standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation in the tourism industry. It is also part of Slovenian green accommodation.

If we all do our part, we can create a more sustainable world for generations to come. So, the next time you venture into the wild, remember — leave only your footprints and nothing more!


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